Last week I was spending a great weekend in Saint-Malo. I was making some night shots at that time and I was so surprised when I saw northern lights upon the Fort National. It is very rare to see such phenomenon in France and I was very lucky to take a picture of this 🙂
My first magazine cover!
I am very happy to have my photo chosen as cover for Subaqua magazine and even more happy because it introduces the book by Frederic Bassemayousse and Florence Masiero.
New gallery from my last trip in Maluku (Indonesia)
I just added a new gallery of my last trip in Maluku (Indonesia).
Migration of the last section of my website
The section Travels of my website is now migrated to the more fancy HTML-5 look !
Update of my portfolio section
I just updated my portfolio section using a new web design much more cool (I hope). I also added some new pictures…
Mer Rouge – Eau bleue : the book
Let me present you the book “Mer Rouge – Eau bleue” written by my friends Florence Masiero and Frederic Bassemayousse. It was a common project built by several persons, some of them being famous as biologist or paleontologist. This book is about the Red Sea, talking about its underwater wildlife but also about the history and geology of this amazing sea. I had the opportunity to participate in this project, by writing a complete paper about fluorescence photography. A successful crowdfunding was done allowing us to pre-order 300+ books and so the adventure for this book will be finalized at the end of this year 🙂 The first version of this book in in French so it will be a nice way to start learning this language 😉
My blog is now available also in English!
I will try to write also an English version of all the new posts. The old ones might remain only in French sorry for that !
New design for my web page!
I just redesign my main webpage which had a very old design from the last century 🙂 . I also redesigned my personal webpage in a more conventional way suitable to present CV… The next steps will be photo and travel page which contain a lot of information that will be difficult to migrate: I will keep you informed…